When a Photo of Art Is Art


Temporary Art

Photography is an immediate reaction, drawing is a meditation.

- Henri Cartier-Bresson

Immortalized by Photographs


Source: Andreas Roe npocto-kpacota.livejournal.com other unusual photos on that page...

I don't know whether Andreas Roe did the face painting, or merely took the photograph.  From the look of his other photos and from the fact that none of the others involve face painting (or indeed, any painting), I would assume that he is the photographer only.  In that case, I an unaware who is the artist.  Perhaps the same artist did the face-painting below?  Alas, I don't know that either...

Something about This Relationship Is Fishy...

Source: shadowriders.org

Hand Art

Source: goonagoon.nasseh.ir/hand_art.htm (many more on that page)

Or Something Quicker - Finger Art...


Source: goonagoon.nasseh.ir/0022_Fingers.htm (more on that page)

See also:

bulletIce Sculptures (an external site - for some exquisite temporary art...
bulletThe Fruits of Their Labour (in the Social/Cultural section) - for the ultimate in temporary art - fruit sculpture...

Temporary Art of a Different Sort?  Nature...

Source: Uncredited.  Can you help me out?  Do you know who took any of these lovely photos?

For photos of the earth and moon, stained glass, sunsets on the Wellington Harbour, Lady Fair, Civic Square, the old mill, the Whippany River, historical houses, Lake Parsippany and more clicking the "Up" button below takes you to the Index page for this Photographs section.

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